Выдержки из форума с сервера http://www.halflife2.net/, посвящённому обсуждению загадки местонахождения уровня City-17 в HalfLife-2.

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City-17's location

Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 25 

*Sofia- Bulgaria
*Prague- Czech Republic
*Shkotovo - U.S.S.R
*Odesa- Ukraine

What evidence do we have to support these locations? perhaps we can ave a represtative for each? lol

Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 25 
I think he's Onto something here... 

theres another thread floating around these forums somewhere discussing the map of Freemans entire journey. The Map has been compiled & it shows that city 17 & its surroundings are on a peninsula or headland. After cunsulting my trusty Google Earth, Turns out that this 'Shkotovo' is a peninsula, with its own city that for some reasonisnt marked, (not to mention the small village that could play host to ravenholm later on) 13.6 miles South of 'Shkovoto-17' is the Zveda shipyard, & further south of that is some jagged coastline that looks to similar the the waterworks map to be coincidental.

Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 25 
Originally Posted by rГ*omhaire 
Sofia and Prague are both inland.
I guess so, but both cities feature a lot of Tsarist russian architecture. 

I got this from wikipedia-

City 17 is visually described as a large Eastern European city, featuring mostly Eastern European architecture dating from pre-World War II Neoclassicism, to post-war revival of classical designs, Soviet modernism, and post-Soviet contemporary designs. In addition, many abandoned and unused vehicle scattered throughout City 17 are based on Soviet-marketed Moskvitchs and Volgas, dating back to the 1960s and 1970s; such vehicles were commonly seen in many Soviet occupied Eastern European countries and cities.

Bulgaria & The Czech republic were both Soviet occupied countries until their independance. But their layouts dont match. In the 'Dark Energy' chapter, you catch glimpses of the city from the top of the Citadel. It's quite apparent that the layout of the city is something like this.

theres obviously no rivers or such near Pruage or sofia. But what is interesting is the similarities between the layout of Cty 17 & Oesa/shcotovo

Originally Posted by Apocalypse89 
I think Shcotovo is also a possible candidate.
Could well be, Shcotovo layout looks very similar to City 17's.


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